Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Slaughterhouse-5 Response Page

Satire – combines a critical attitude with wit and humor to improve society.

            Forget the Tralfamadorians.  Don’t bother your head considerably about their conceptions of time.  That stuff is all low-grade science fiction.  The heart of the novel, and what makes Vonnegut an Important Author (I do believe that people will be studying him in 100 years), is his satire.

           You have already chosen ten passages from Slaughterhouse-5.  Those you will/have turned in in class.  Now, chose one of those ten, and write a lectio on it.  (Be sure to include the quotation in your lectio.)  Post it below.

         This will be due no later than Wednesday, October 28.  (Don't worry.  It's a quick read.)

          Then, after the 28th, you must read everyone else's lectios, and write a response to one of those.  This portion of the assignment will be due no later than Wednesday, November 4.